UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside

UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside
UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside in Pittsburgh, PA is ranked nationally in 13 adult specialties. It was also high-performing in 1 adult specialty. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside is a 1,517-bed general medical and surgical facility with 65,956 admissions in the most recent year reported. It performed 49,190 annual inpatient and 24,956 outpatient surgeries. Its emergency room had 122,036 visits. UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside is a teaching hospital. A world-renowned health care provider and insurer, Pittsburgh-based UPMC is inventing new models of accountable, cost-effective, patient-centered care. It provides more than $888 million a year in benefits to its communities, including more care to the region’s most vulnerable citizens than any other health care institution. An enterprises division. A passion for innovation lies at the heart of UPMC’s success. UPMC’s unique strategy of combining clinical and research excellence with business-like discipline translates into high-quality patient care for both western Pennsylvanians and the global community.

Provider Services, which includes a comprehensive array of tertiary, community, and regional hospitals; specialty service lines, such as transplantation, women's health, behavioral health, pediatrics, UPMC Cancer Centers, and rehabilitation; in-home care and retirement living options; contract services, including pharmacy and clinical laboratories; and nearly 3,400 employed physicians and associated practices. Insurance Services, which offers health insurance to companies and their employees, as well as recipients of government programs such as Medicare and Medical Assistance; integrated workers' compensation and disability services; and coverage for behavioral health services to Medical Assistance beneficiaries in 35 Pennsylvania counties. UPMC International, which exports UPMC's medical expertise and management know-how internationally. UPMC Enterprises?, which pursues commercialization opportunities and develops strategic partnerships with industry leaders.

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